About us

Next-Generation Banking and Financial Infrastructure

Pioneering Financial Empowerment Through Technology

Quisque quis ex mattis, euismod mauris sapien. Curabitur et mattis ante. Maecenas sit amet commodo tellut.

Vestibulum semper pharetra. Curabitur cursus sapien sed porta dapibus. Lorem ipsum – semper malesuada ipsum! Curabitur et mattis ante. Maecenas tellus. Curabitur et mattis ante. Maecenas sit amet commodo tellut!

25+ years of experience

Our client's know the quality of our team

Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec placerat metus erat, nec vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Suspendisse potenti. Sed sagittis maximus quam, nec laoreet enim laoreet sed lorem ipsum.  Morbi tincidunt enim id blandit sodales. Sed sed libero vehicula, cursus leo eget, tincidunt tortor. Vivamus ligula felis, dictum vitae tincidunt orci.

Asset Tokenization
6 years
Lending and investment
18 years
Tech for Banking
20 years
Technology Solutions
25 years

Customer Centric

We are committed to offer our customers and your clients the best user experience of the market. All the services we offer are created with the end customer in mind.

International experience

Our team and our clients are worldwide. We have experience providing solutions to customers in more than 6 countries. We understand the complexities of every location and adapt to it.


Your success is our priority. Fast time to market, reliable services and responsive customer support are the key ingredients for a successfull relationship with our clients.
Industry's leading experts

A team that can change your bussiness!

At CoreFi we strive for the best people to deliver high-quality results. Our Customers know that with CoreFi they receive next-generation technology alongside high-talented human capital.

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